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Why You're Stagnant.

What's up beautiful People! Welcome back to yet another Word Up Wednesday!

Your Midweek dose of Inspo! Today I want to highlight stagnancy from a place of solution and fresh perspective. So! Let's get into it!

Stagnacy: A state of inactivity.

Now, I want to talk about this today because of a conversation I recently had with a family member that was extremely alarming to me simply because this person is young, beautiful and amazing, yet everything that came out of their mouth was "I can't, I'm not, I feel, I'm a procrastinator etc.. And immediatlely I began to minister about the power of life and death being in the tounge and how you speak about yourself and think about yourself reflects in all aspects of your life and it will even dictate the relationships and interactions in your life.

For instance, you ever notice how smokers all band together? I mean it could be zero below outside but that commanality will create relationships in unlikely places. Or how about when your feeling or speaking negative about a place or a situation and someone agree's with you. You guys immedately feel connected in someway because of the misery business your working for in that moment. I mean the list of possibilities can go on and on.

The thing is, It's SO EASY to ride down death speaking lane. It's a programming of the world to accept false realities about yourself. Things like "I'm lazy, I'm always late", or "I'm not good enough right now" or the big one "I'm a procrastinator". But the TRUTH is if you are simulating these things it's because you are speaking them into your life which places imagery in your mind, that causes you to reinact them in real time.

Reinact: to act or perform again to repeat the actions of (an earlier event or incident)

Your lips are the author and your life is the book.

Jesus tells us to crucify our flesh and that Life and Death is in the power of the tongue and that those who LOVE IT will eat it's fruit.

In other words, maybe your flesh is lazy! But if your tongue says "I'm getting up and working out today!" then your brain grabs that imagery and your body has to comply! Or If you begin to say "I finish what I start!" "I bring greatness to everything i'm apart of", then it is so! Or instead say "I'm always on time!" Then it will be so!

If you are experiencing stagnancy in any part of your life, I truly encourage you to moniter your toungue and pay attention to what fruit your snacking on. Even if it seems small, just don't say it, instead choose to say something uplifting about yourself.

There's a reason why "Old Wisdom" says: "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all". It's because what ever you speak about will shape your reality. Your words dictate your friendships, jobs, environments, growth or lack there of. Just choosing to talk different gets things moving around you! And I want you to have movement, prosperity, kindness, joy and all of the above. Not to mention, when you speak negatively Gods spirit pulls away from you. I recently learned this and it's a major game changer for me. Believe in you And everything that you do!


Also! Happy Thanks Giving!!! What a perfect time to start speaking life into yourself!

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