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The Art of Letting Go!

Throughout my journey of evolution, personas and experiences, I have found that my willingness to let things go have played in my favor and my resistance to the idea always resulted in delay, stagnancy and stifling stillness. Now, I understand that may be saying a lot without saying much so I will go into further detail.


Everything in this life has an allotted time of its own. Every moment, era, laugh even your arrival to this life had an appointed time and place. While this is a basic level of awareness, it is also an understanding that prophetically prompts you to transition, let go and evolve according to God's will in your life, if and only if you listen and apply with obedience.

Many times, we are in situations that are so comfortable or have simply become our norm that when father times tells us to leave, let go, or evolve we ignore it and allow our false sense of relationship, loyalty or laziness keep us complacent.

The lack of evolution always looks dated. Let me go further. Think about a time where you went back home to see a loved one and their home still looked exactly the way it did 20 years ago. The lack of newness in that place will more than likely be a reflection of the mentality of the people residing there because they have built themselves a time capsule. Therefore, the beauty of evolving can't reside there.

Or how about when you listen to your favorite song from the 90's. If anything reminds you of it, sounds like it or takes you back to the feeling of what it gave you in the 90's. It is because that is where that sound resides. It doesn't have jurisdiction in the future. It can only and always be a nostalgic reflection of the 90's.

Moving on!

What I would like to convey in this free write is that letting go is an important part of your journey. As you grow and learn, new people will come into the picture, new places will call your name, new ideas and wisdom will be downloaded unto you. But, you have to constantly make room for the newness you wish to experience. Even down to a physical level. If you want new clothes, clean out your closet. Get rid of things you don't wear anymore and give that closet a refresher. I can guarantee new clothes will gladly come your way! Even if you aren't the one who buys them. It's all connected to The Art Of letting go.


Now, I could easily keep going with this subject but! because you have a life to live, I will end with this. If you want to see adjustments in your life, start letting go of things, people and ideas that are dated. Don't worry about the space unfilled because once you throw it out the newness that comes your way will happily take its place. This is a physical and spiritual principle so use it!

It's almost the new year! So, take this as your friendly reminded to start cleaning up shop. Not only will you physically feel better because sickness will fall off, sadness, anxiety, depression, worry, doubt etc... You know! All those ungodly characters of the world but you should let go because YOU DESERVE TO LIVE A GREAT LIFE! Embrace the



If you have enjoyed this topic and want to comment, ask questions or share a testimony please create a profile and comment right here on the BLOG. It is my goal to build a place of awareness, and evolution. I truly look forward to hearing your perspective soon! - Paris

Socials: Instagram + Youtube @Itsparisdunbar

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team hairston
team hairston
Dec 19, 2022

This is really empowering and confirmation for many circumstances in my current season. I believe understanding the artof letting go truly brings healing and transformation. I am learning to create and develop different pathways to help me through that art.

team hairston
team hairston
Dec 21, 2022
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My pathways are journal writing, breathing exercises, prayer. Most importantly showing consistency in showing up and being available for growth. I have also been stepping out of my comfort zone by stretching myself to meet new people in the body of Christ in my local church to continue to evolve my perspective of Christ so I can continue to allow the art of letting go become easier and easier through knowledge and discernment.

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