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Stay The Course.

What's up beautiful people! And welcome back to "Word Up Wednesday"! Your Mid-week Dose of Inspo! I am Paris Dunbar and I am so very happy that your eyes are amongst this page. Today, I want to elaborate on the importance of staying the course and trusting God's word over your life.


Over two years ago I was given a word over my life, and when I received it I must say I did not like it. Truth be told I was taken aback because at the time everything I had based my works on had nothing to do with the Vision God truly had for me; at least, that's how I originally digested it. Obviously I was wrong and needed to get over myself (lol) but, it was a process nonetheless.

The problem though is once God speaks a word over your life and you do not comply with it there's a wrestling process that begins because if he said it, then it is so. And if you ignore it then every attempt at outside endeavors will feel like you are racing against the wind on a hamster wheel, with very little results. And I think we can all agree that, that sounds annoying. And annoying it was, but a process nonetheless.

Throwing in the towel

Throughout those two years I was forced to do a lot of reflection and growing in Spirit, God's word and in the physical because even though I wasn't originally pleased, the word had already gone before me rippling through time, shifting, molding and rewriting my narrative so naturally, I had to pay attention and adjust accordingly.

In doing so, I realized my original resistance to God's vision over my life was a reflection of how I perceived myself and the truth is I didn't think high enough of my experiences, my wisdom, my knowledge or my story. The girl who prided herself on her intellect and talents somehow still managed to reach too low.

That's the thing about God's perspective, it's always beyond comprehension.

Staying the Course

When a "Word" is spoken over your life, it is always in your best interest to focus on the works, trust in the Lord throughout the process and be anxious about nothing. Go to him in prayer, supplication and thanksgiving and the Peace of God that exceeds all understanding will protect your mind and heart.

You will need this because everything around you will try to pull you away from focusing on whatever works God placed you here to do. You must be a relentless child of God that trusts in your fathers promises no matter what. STAY THE COURSE. Pick it up every single day and partner with Jesus in the process. It will be a lot of work, but because it is your

"Life's Legend" you will never feel incapable of finishing it.

Keep going and stay the course. For "the path of the righteous is narrow and few will find it". In other words if it were easy everyone would be doing it, but God chose you for it. It may not have been apart of the original plan, but it will be well worth it.

Because You Deserve To Live A Great Life.

God bless, Don't Stress, It's Paris! Peace.


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