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God is Faithful + Truth

What's Up Beautiful People ! And welcome back to "Word Up Wednesday!"

Your Mid - week dose of INSPO!


Today I would like to keep it short and sweet by simply reminding you that "God is Faithful & God is True! God's word is FAITHFUL and God's word is TRUTH!

I am reminding you of this because while we are "in the world, but not of it" The world has a voice so loud that it can sometimes stifle this remembrance in Christ Jesus. And with ambitions high, televisions loud and a world full of opinionated platforms, it may become a bit challenging to dissect God's "Truth" from the world's "truth".

My thoughts

As you know, God gives us free will and choice which is dope when you want ice cream or to take a trip to an amazing new world across oceans yet seen but when it comes to matters of the "flesh" and the "soul" the gift of choice can be very tricky when the world itself is screaming at us from all corners.

So today, I just wanted to gently step into your emails and hearts by bringing you a word from the Maker of Peace and say, "The only truth you must apply to your life, is God's Word". Please, today specifically remember what God says about you. Remember that his thoughts of you are always "Good and not evil, they are to prosper you, and to give you Hope and a future". Also remember that everything Good comes from the Lord.


The world will yell to the mountain tops that everything is bad and nothing is good! But look around you! Are there mountains, tree's, clouds, animals? Are there birds chirpping, bee's pollinating the earth and people filled with laughter?. God loves His creations and His earth so despite what the voice of the world will tell you, the truth is that God is Faithful and God is True! And He will always see you through.

"These words are faithful and true" - Revelation 22:6

He is more than a conquerer, He is the Maker of Everything. He was and is and is to come.

Because you Deserve to live A Great Life. - Paris

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